unit Lzw; // Lzw.LZWBUFFER interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; const NOCODE = -1; // 空编码 LZWBITS = 8; // 字对处理位 LZWBUFFER = $FFFF; // 64KB 编码处理缓存容量(输入缓存容量。经实践,该值能达到较好的效率 ) LZWMAXBITS = 12; // 最大的编码位(增加该值会增加编码表的内存空间) LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE = $FFFF; // 64KB 栈缓存容量(要保证它足够大) LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE = $FFFF; // 64KB 输出缓存容量 LZWMAXCODES = 1 shl LZWMAXBITS; // 最大编码(4096) LZWTABLESIZE = 1 shl ( LZWBITS LZWMAXBITS ); // 编码表容量(2MB空间) type TagArrayByteType = array of Byte; pTagArrayByteType = ^TagArrayByteType; // Data: array of Byte; // end; TLZWEncode = class( TObject ) private EncodeTable: array [ 0 .. LZWTABLESIZE - 1 ] of Word; // 编码表 EncodePointer: array [ 0 .. LZWMAXCODES - 1 ] of LongWord; // 经过编码的缓存 ExportBlock: Pointer; // 存放编码后的数据指针(输出缓存块指针) ExportBlockPtr: array of Byte; // 该指针指向 ExportBlock ,用于访问数组 InitBits: Integer; // 压缩数据的起始位数 ClearCode: Integer; // 清除码 EofCode: Integer; // 结束码 PrefixCode: Integer; // 字头码 SuffixCode: Integer; // 字尾码 Encode: Integer; // 压缩编码 RunBits: Integer; // 当前处理位 MaxCodeSize: Integer; // 当前处理最大编码 FBegin: Boolean; // 开始处理标志 FExportSize: Integer; // 输出数据块大小 FExportIndex: Integer; // 输出数据块索引 FExportTotalSize: Integer; // 记录输出缓存块大小 ShiftBits: Integer; // 用于位处理,作临时位 ShiftCode: Integer; // 用于位处理,作临时代码 protected procedure ExportData( AData: Integer ); virtual; // 输出数据(虚方法) public function GetExportPointer: Pointer; // 返回输出指针 function GetExportSize: Integer; // 返回输出大小 procedure GetBegin; // 置开始编码标志 procedure GetEnd; // 置结束编码标志 procedure Execute( Data: array of Byte; DataSize: Integer ); virtual; // 执行编码过程(虚方法virtual) procedure ExecutePointer( pData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer ); virtual; // 执行编码过程(虚方法) // procedure ExecutepData(Data: pTagArrayByteType; DataSize: Integer); virtual; // 执行编码过程(虚方法) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TLZWUnencode = class( TObject ) private InitBits: Integer; // 压缩数据的起始位数 ClearCode: Integer; // 清除码 EofCode: Integer; // 结束码 PrefixCode: Integer; // 字头码 SuffixCode: Integer; // 字尾码 Encode: Integer; // 压缩编码 RunBits: Integer; // 当前处理位 MaxCodeSize: Integer; // 当前处理最大编码 ExportBlock: Pointer; // 存放编码后的数据指针(输出缓存块指针) ExportBlockPtr: array of Byte; // 该指针指向 ExportBlock ,用于访问数组 StackIndex: Integer; // 栈索引 StackTable: array [ 0 .. LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE - 1 ] of Byte; // 栈表 PrefixTable: array [ 0 .. LZWMAXCODES - 1 ] of Word; // 字头表 SuffixTable: array [ 0 .. LZWMAXCODES - 1 ] of Byte; // 字尾表 FExportSize: Integer; // 输出数据块大小 FExportIndex: Integer; // 输出数据块索引 FExportTotalSize: Integer; // 记录输出缓存块大小 ShiftBits: Integer; // 用于位处理,作临时位 ShiftCode: Integer; // 用于位处理,作临时代码 protected procedure ExportData( AData: Integer ); virtual; // 输出数据(虚方法) public function GetExportPointer: Pointer; // 返回输出指针 function GetExportSize: Integer; // 返回输出大小 procedure GetBegin; // 开始解码(分配输出内存空间) procedure GetEnd; // 结束解码(释放输出内存空间) procedure Execute( Data: array of Byte; DataSize: Integer ); virtual; // 执行解码过程(虚方法) procedure ExecutePointer( pData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer ); virtual; // 执行解码过程(虚方法) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation { TLZWEncode } constructor TLZWEncode.Create; begin InitBits := LZWBITS; ClearCode := 1 shl InitBits; EofCode := ClearCode 1; Encode := EofCode 1; RunBits := InitBits 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; FBegin := False; FExportSize := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := 0; ShiftBits := 0; ShiftCode := 0; end; destructor TLZWEncode.Destroy; begin FreeMem( ExportBlock ); inherited; end; procedure TLZWEncode.ExecutePointer( pData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer ); // 执行编码过程(虚方法) // procedure TLZWEncode.ExecutePchar(pData:Pchar ; DataSize: Integer); var AIndex: Integer; ArrayIndex: Integer; Vi: Integer; // Data : TagArrayByteType; pByteV: pByte; begin AIndex := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE; // 处理文件首字节,赋值给字头码/ // Data := pData; pByteV := pByte( pData ); if FBegin then begin FBegin := False; ExportData( ClearCode ); // PrefixCode := Data[AIndex]; PrefixCode := pByteV^; // PrefixCode := Byte(pByteV^); Inc( AIndex ); Inc( pByteV ); end; // 编码过程/ while AIndex < DataSize do begin // 取出数据,赋值给字尾码 / // SuffixCode := Data[AIndex]; SuffixCode := Integer( pByteV^ ); Inc( pByteV ); Inc( AIndex ); // 构造地址/ ArrayIndex := ( PrefixCode shl LZWBITS ) SuffixCode; // 无可编码字对的情况/ if EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ] = 0 then begin ExportData( PrefixCode ); // 输出字头 // 当前编码等于最大编码值的情况,作初始化工作// if Encode = LZWMAXCODES then begin ExportData( ClearCode ); // 输出清除码 Encode := EofCode 1; RunBits := InitBits 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; // 只需初始化编码过的内存区 / for Vi := Encode to LZWMAXCODES - 1 do EncodeTable[ EncodePointer[ Vi ] ] := 0; end else begin // 当前编码等于最大处理编码的情况 / if Encode = MaxCodeSize then begin Inc( RunBits ); // 当前处理位增加 MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; // 相应最大编码增加 end; EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ] := Encode; // 加入编码表 EncodePointer[ Encode ] := ArrayIndex; Inc( Encode ); end; PrefixCode := SuffixCode; end // 编码可匹配的情况 / else begin PrefixCode := EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ]; end; end; end; procedure TLZWEncode.Execute( Data: array of Byte; DataSize: Integer ); var AIndex: Integer; ArrayIndex: Integer; Vi: Integer; begin AIndex := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE; { 处理文件首字节,赋值给字头码 } if FBegin then begin FBegin := False; ExportData( ClearCode ); PrefixCode := Data[ AIndex ]; Inc( AIndex ); end; { 编码过程 } while AIndex < DataSize do begin { 取出数据,赋值给字尾码 } SuffixCode := Data[ AIndex ]; Inc( AIndex ); { 构造地址 } ArrayIndex := ( PrefixCode shl LZWBITS ) SuffixCode; { 无可编码字对的情况 } if EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ] = 0 then begin ExportData( PrefixCode ); // 输出字头 { 当前编码等于最大编码值的情况,作初始化工作 } if Encode = LZWMAXCODES then begin ExportData( ClearCode ); // 输出清除码 Encode := EofCode 1; RunBits := InitBits 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; { 只需初始化编码过的内存区 } for Vi := Encode to LZWMAXCODES - 1 do EncodeTable[ EncodePointer[ Vi ] ] := 0; end else begin { 当前编码等于最大处理编码的情况 } if Encode = MaxCodeSize then begin Inc( RunBits ); // 当前处理位增加 MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; // 相应最大编码增加 end; EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ] := Encode; // 加入编码表 EncodePointer[ Encode ] := ArrayIndex; Inc( Encode ); end; PrefixCode := SuffixCode; end { 编码可匹配的情况 } else begin PrefixCode := EncodeTable[ ArrayIndex ]; end; end; end; procedure TLZWEncode.ExportData( AData: Integer ); { 输出过程 } procedure ExportProcedure; begin while ShiftBits >= LZWBITS do begin ExportBlockPtr[ FExportIndex ] := ShiftCode and $00FF; Inc( FExportIndex ); if FExportIndex = FExportTotalSize then begin { 重新分配内存后首地址可能改变 } ReallocMem( ExportBlock, FExportIndex LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE ); Pointer( ExportBlockPtr ) := ExportBlock; Inc( FExportTotalSize, LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE ); end; ShiftCode := ShiftCode shr LZWBITS; Dec( ShiftBits, LZWBITS ); end; end; begin { 输出位总是大于 LZWBITS 的 } ShiftCode := AData shl ShiftBits ShiftCode; Inc( ShiftBits, RunBits ); ExportProcedure; end; function TLZWEncode.GetExportPointer: Pointer; begin Result := ExportBlock; end; function TLZWEncode.GetExportSize: Integer; begin FExportSize := FExportIndex; Result := FExportSize; end; procedure TLZWEncode.GetBegin; begin { InitBits := LZWBITS; ClearCode := 1 shl InitBits; EofCode := ClearCode 1; Encode := EofCode 1; RunBits := InitBits 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; FBegin := False; FExportSize := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := 0; ShiftBits := 0; ShiftCode := 0; } FBegin := True; { 有可能输出缓存大于输入缓存,如果发生,到时再重新分配内存 } ExportBlock := AllocMem( LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE ); Pointer( ExportBlockPtr ) := ExportBlock; end; procedure TLZWEncode.GetEnd; begin ExportData( PrefixCode ); ExportData( EofCode ); { 最后的处理是看看有没有 , 没处理的位 } while ShiftBits > 0 do begin ExportBlockPtr[ FExportIndex ] := ShiftCode and $00FF; Inc( FExportIndex ); if FExportIndex = FExportTotalSize then begin ReallocMem( ExportBlock, FExportIndex LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE ); Pointer( ExportBlockPtr ) := ExportBlock; Inc( FExportTotalSize, LZWEXPORTBLOCKSIZE ); end; ShiftCode := ShiftCode shr LZWBITS; Dec( ShiftBits, LZWBITS ); end; end; { TLZWUnencode } constructor TLZWUnencode.Create; begin InitBits := LZWBITS; ClearCode := 1 shl InitBits; EofCode := ClearCode 1; Encode := EofCode 1; RunBits := InitBits 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; ShiftBits := 0; ShiftCode := 0; FExportSize := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := 0; end; destructor TLZWUnencode.Destroy; begin inherited; end; // sss procedure TLZWUnencode.ExecutePointer( pData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer ); const MaskCode: array [ 0 .. LZWMAXBITS ] of Word = ( $0000, $0001, $0003, $0007, $000F, $001F, $003F, $007F, $00FF, $01FF, $03FF, $07FF, $0FFF ); var AIndex: Integer; CurrentCode, ACode: Integer; pByteBuf: pByte; begin pByteBuf := pData; AIndex := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE; { 解码过程 } while AIndex < DataSize do begin // PByteBuf := LongWord(pData AIndex); { 取出数据 } while ( ShiftBits < RunBits ) and ( AIndex < DataSize ) do begin // ShiftCode := Data[AIndex] shl ShiftBits ShiftCode; ShiftCode := pByteBuf^ shl ShiftBits ShiftCode; Inc( AIndex ); Inc( pByteBuf ); Inc( ShiftBits, LZWBITS ); end; if AIndex >= DataSize then Exit; CurrentCode := ShiftCode and MaskCode[ RunBits ]; ShiftCode := ShiftCode shr RunBits; Dec( ShiftBits, RunBits ); { 遇到结束码则退出 } if CurrentCode = EofCode then Exit; { 遇到清除码则初始化 } if CurrentCode = ClearCode then begin RunBits := InitBits 1; Encode := EofCode 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; PrefixCode := NOCODE; SuffixCode := NOCODE; end else begin ACode := CurrentCode; StackIndex := 0; { 当前代码正好与当前编码值相等的情况 } if ACode = Encode then begin StackTable[ StackIndex ] := SuffixCode; Inc( StackIndex ); ACode := PrefixCode; end; { 当前代码大于当前编码值的情况,递归取值 } while ACode > EofCode do begin StackTable[ StackIndex ] := SuffixTable[ ACode ]; Inc( StackIndex ); ACode := PrefixTable[ ACode ]; end; SuffixCode := ACode; { 输出数据 } ExportData( ACode ); while StackIndex > 0 do begin Dec( StackIndex ); ExportData( StackTable[ StackIndex ] ); end; { 加入字典 } if ( Encode < LZWMAXCODES ) and ( PrefixCode <> NOCODE ) then begin PrefixTable[ Encode ] := PrefixCode; SuffixTable[ Encode ] := SuffixCode; Inc( Encode ); if ( Encode >= MaxCodeSize ) and ( RunBits < LZWMAXBITS ) then begin MaxCodeSize := MaxCodeSize shl 1; Inc( RunBits ); end; end; PrefixCode := CurrentCode; end; end; end; procedure TLZWUnencode.Execute( Data: array of Byte; DataSize: Integer ); const MaskCode: array [ 0 .. LZWMAXBITS ] of Word = ( $0000, $0001, $0003, $0007, $000F, $001F, $003F, $007F, $00FF, $01FF, $03FF, $07FF, $0FFF ); var AIndex: Integer; CurrentCode, ACode: Integer; begin AIndex := 0; FExportIndex := 0; FExportTotalSize := LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE; { 解码过程 } while AIndex < DataSize do begin { 取出数据 } while ( ShiftBits < RunBits ) and ( AIndex < DataSize ) do begin ShiftCode := Data[ AIndex ] shl ShiftBits ShiftCode; Inc( AIndex ); Inc( ShiftBits, LZWBITS ); end; if AIndex >= DataSize then Exit; CurrentCode := ShiftCode and MaskCode[ RunBits ]; ShiftCode := ShiftCode shr RunBits; Dec( ShiftBits, RunBits ); { 遇到结束码则退出 } if CurrentCode = EofCode then Exit; { 遇到清除码则初始化 } if CurrentCode = ClearCode then begin RunBits := InitBits 1; Encode := EofCode 1; MaxCodeSize := 1 shl RunBits; PrefixCode := NOCODE; SuffixCode := NOCODE; end else begin ACode := CurrentCode; StackIndex := 0; { 当前代码正好与当前编码值相等的情况 } if ACode = Encode then begin StackTable[ StackIndex ] := SuffixCode; Inc( StackIndex ); ACode := PrefixCode; end; { 当前代码大于当前编码值的情况,递归取值 } while ACode > EofCode do begin StackTable[ StackIndex ] := SuffixTable[ ACode ]; Inc( StackIndex ); ACode := PrefixTable[ ACode ]; end; SuffixCode := ACode; { 输出数据 } ExportData( ACode ); while StackIndex > 0 do begin Dec( StackIndex ); ExportData( StackTable[ StackIndex ] ); end; { 加入字典 } if ( Encode < LZWMAXCODES ) and ( PrefixCode <> NOCODE ) then begin PrefixTable[ Encode ] := PrefixCode; SuffixTable[ Encode ] := SuffixCode; Inc( Encode ); if ( Encode >= MaxCodeSize ) and ( RunBits < LZWMAXBITS ) then begin MaxCodeSize := MaxCodeSize shl 1; Inc( RunBits ); end; end; PrefixCode := CurrentCode; end; end; end; procedure TLZWUnencode.ExportData( AData: Integer ); begin ExportBlockPtr[ FExportIndex ] := AData; Inc( FExportIndex ); if FExportIndex = FExportTotalSize then begin ReallocMem( ExportBlock, FExportIndex LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE ); Pointer( ExportBlockPtr ) := ExportBlock; Inc( FExportTotalSize, LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE ); end; end; procedure TLZWUnencode.GetBegin; begin ExportBlock := AllocMem( LZWSTACKBUFFERSIZE ); Pointer( ExportBlockPtr ) := ExportBlock; end; procedure TLZWUnencode.GetEnd; begin FreeMem( ExportBlock ); end; function TLZWUnencode.GetExportPointer: Pointer; begin Result := ExportBlock; end; function TLZWUnencode.GetExportSize: Integer; begin FExportSize := FExportIndex; Result := FExportSize; end; end.